Are Australia The Right Favourites for the T20 World Cup?

Are Australia The Right Favourites for the T20 World Cup?

The cricket T20 World Cup is one of the most anticipated events in the cricket industry and as a result, there is always massive hype around it. With all the activity directed at who the possible winners of the tourney will be, we have to ask the question, are cricket T20 World Cup betting sites picking the right favourite or are bettors going to wager on the underdogs.

There are already odds being predicted and many are wondering which team will grab the gold and should be wagered on. Though the T20 has been cancelled until further notice, there is still massive hype around the cricket event and punters want to know which team to bet on.

While Australia is one of the favourites in running for the T20 World Cup, there are some who believe the team shouldn?t be considered as the ultimate favourite due to a number of underlining factors. Here we take a look at what these might be and possibly why Australia isn?t the right team to bet on as the favourites.

Australia Statistics T20

We can only kook oat the facts and the fact is that Australia performed poorly after having made only one final and then losing to England. The loss was a severe one leaving Australian supporters with a bitter taste.

Another fact to look at is that Australia has a win record of just over 55 percent which places the team as the 6th best team to have played in more than just one tournament. This rank isn?t a very promising one and there is no indication of improving this rank in the near future unless players on the team suit up for some serious competition.

There is mounting pressure on top of these restricting statistics as the Women?s Australia team won the T20 and what a win it was. Now to compete with that and after the dull season Australia has had so far, it?s safe to say that the team is feeling the pressure from supporters as well as their own captain.

What Works In Favour of Australia Winning

The only factor working in favour of voting Australia as the favourites is that the cricket team came in second in the T20 rankings which were made public in March. Australia has the home advantage and while this may be the case there isn?t much supporting evidence that Australia has what it takes to go for the win.

By overestimating the odds of Australia winning, simply because the team has the home advantage, sportsbooks risk losing future bets especially if the odds are grossly overestimated.

Some sportsbooks think Australia has a 3 to 1 chance of winning while other believe the odds to be far less in favour with Australia coming out on top as the Cup winners.

Competing Teams

What further weakens the chance of Australia taking home the win is that the team is going up against India; many sportsbooks believe the odds are in favour of Pakistan. West Indies also stand a good chance of winning the title and New Zealand is also in the running. These teams weaken the chance Australia had of winning but it also does present opportunity for a more thrilling competition.

Which Team Is In The Running for Favourites

India is set to be the favourite amongst many reputable sportsbooks. However, though Australia hasn?t had a fantastic season, there is a chance that the team takes the win and in that case, overestimated odds would work in favour of those who have strongly believed the team would always win.

Only time will reveal the winner when the T20 opens, it has been well worth the wait and bettors have had the luxury of evaluating which team would win and which will lose. Where Australia falls remains to be seen. Maybe luck will turn and the Aussies will put a show that takes the win!

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